Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Download Anime 3gp

Ehm Ehm. #Plak.
Dalam postingan kali ini saya ingin mempublikasikan bagi agan-agan yang berniat mendownload anime di hp namun tak bisa karena keterbatasan link dan format yang tidak mendukung.
Langsung saja, ini dia. Cekidot!!!

1. Clannad After Story

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2. Angel Beats

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3. Nou Come

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4. Fate Zero

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5. Date A Live

Klik Disini

6. Zombie Loan

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Semoga bermanfaat dan akan selalu di update jika penulis mau #dihajar.

Kuliner Dan Wisata Alam Kabupaten Paser + Upacara Adat Belian (Ekstra)

A. Kuliner

1. Pisang Rimpi

Makanan khas paser saat ini cukup banyak salah satu diantaranya adalah pisang rimpi/selai, rimpi adalah makanan camilan yang terbuat dari pisang khususnya gepok/pisang yang berbiji yang diolah dengan cara mengasapi pisang diatans bara/arang kayu hingga berwarna kecoklatan dan mengeluarkan aroma yang khas terasa manis dan lezat, makanan rimpi ini bisa dimakan langsung atau digoreng terlebih dahulu dengan tepung dan dihidangkan hangat-hangat bersama kopi/teh,produk ini dapat ditemukan di pasar2 tradisional dengan harga Rp 3000,00 -5000,00 
perbungkus apabila berminat silahkan datang ke paser.

2. Durian dan Lai

Sekilas pandang mungkin anda akan mengira bahwa ini adalah buah durian,karena memiliki bentuk dan kulitnya yang berduri seperti durian. Ya,memang bentuk dan kulitnya sama seperti durian tidak ada yang membedakan diantara kedua jenis buah tersebut. Ini adalah buah Lai,buah ini terdapat di kalimantan,kebetulan saya mengambil gambar ini di Kalimantan Timur,Samarinda.

Yang membedakan antara buah durian dan buah lai ini adalah,buah durian memiliki aroma yang harum dan khas,sementara buah Lai tidak mengeluarkan aroma sama sekali. Buah Lai ini rasannya sangat manis,isi buah ini berwarna Orange yang khas dan sangat menggugah selera anda jika melihatnya.

Buah ini tidak ada efeknya jika anda memakan dengan jumlah yang banyak,berbeda dengan buah durian,kita merasa pusing jika makan buah durian dalam jumlah yang berlebihan.
Sepengetahuan saya,buah ini hanya ada di kalimantan,kenapa saya 
mengatakan demikian?

Karena di sumatera dan di pulau jawa buah Lai ini sama sekali tidak ada saya jumpai.

Pohon buah Lai ini sama dengan buah Durian,hanya daun buah Lai lebih lebar dari daun pohon durian tersebut. Soal harga itu tergantung pada besar kecilnya buah tersebut,namun yang saya jumpai,untuk ukuran buah yang sangat kecil sekali dijual seharga 15-20 ribu perbijinya.Tapi ini harga yang dijual langsung oleh pemilik pohon buah tersebut,dan harga ini masih bisa ditawar jika anda membeli dalam jumlah yang banyak.
Tapi bila sudah sampai ke penjual kedua seperti dikios buah tentu harganya akan jauh lebih mahal lagi.
Jika anda dari Balikpapan ingin menuju ke Samarinda,dapat anda jumpai di pinggir jalanan para penjual buah Lai tersebut.Ditempat inilah anda bisa memilih dan bisa juga memdapatkan harga yang lebih murah dari pada di kios penjual buah-buahan.

B. Wisata Alam 

1. Kecamatan Paser Belengkong

Kecamatan yang terkenal dengan kota sejarah ini terletak sekitar 5 km dari
kecamatan Tanah Grogot. Lokasi ini dapat dijangkau dengan jalan darat atau
melalui transportasi air melewati alur sungai Kandilo. Di Kecamatan
Paser Belengkong terdapat beberapa obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi,

a. Museum Sadurengas

Museum Sadurengas merupakan bekas istana kesultanan Paser. Bangunan ini berbentuk
rumah panggung dengan ciri khas ukiran-ukiran yang bermotif sulur-suluran dan kaligrafi huruf arab. Berbagai koleksi benda-benda kuno dapat kita lihat ditempat ini, diantaranya: Al-Qur?an tua bertulis tangan;Tempayang guci kuno peninggalan dinasti yuan, Alat-alat rumah tangga, alat-alat kesenian dan pakaian sultan paser. Di dalam museum ini terdapat pula kerangka ikan paus bongkok dengan panjang sekitar 15 meter yang ditemukan warga Desa Selengot. Disamping museum terdapat sebuah masjid tua bernama Nurul ibadah. Kedua bangunan peninggalan sejarah termasuk benda cagar budaya. Museum Sadurengas.

b. Kompleks Makam Raja Paser

Kompeks Makam Raja Pase rterletak Sekitar 1 Km sebelah selatan Museum Sadurengas. Di dalam kompleks ini dapat ditemukan makam raja-raja dari Kerajaan Sadurengas. Disekitar kompleks pemakaman terdapat sebuah batu yang oleh masyarakat setempat disebut Batu Kilan. Batu ini sering dijadikan media oleh para pengunjung untuk mengetahui nasibnya. Konon, apabila sebatang lidi dengan ukuran sekilan yang ditancapkan diatas batu ini mengalami penambahan panjang maka apa yang diniatkan orang tersebut akan terkabul tetapi apabila lidi itu berubah menjadi lebih pendek dari ukuran semula maka apa yang diniatkan orang itu tidak akan terkabul. Komplek Makam Raja 

c. Batu Indra Giri Dan Meriam Portugis

Tidak jauh dari Museum Sadurangas, dapat ditemukan Batu Indra Giri dan Meriam Portugis, Batu Indra Giri adalah batu yang dibawa oleh tim ekspedisi penyebaran agama Islam dari Kerajaan Demak bernama Abu Mansyur Indra Jaya. Disekitar Batu Indra Giri dapat pula ditemukan Meriam Portugis yang merupakan sebagian peninggalan Raja-Raja pada zaman dahulu. 

d. Air Terjun Doyam Turu

Terletak di Desa Lempesu sekitar 27 km dari ibukota Tanah Grogot. Lokasi ini dapat dijangkau dengan kendaraan roda empat maupun roda dua. Berbagai fasilitas penunjang yang dapat enambah kenyamanan pengunjung terdapat dilokasi ini, seperti Tempat Parkir yang luas, MCK, kantin dan beberapa tempat peristirahatan. Tidak jauh dari air terjun Doyam Turu juga terdapat Goa dengan bentuk serambi yang cukup luas bernama? Batulis ?. Goa ini dihuni ribuan kelelawar. 

2. Kecamatan Batu Engau

Tahura Lati Petangis saat ini dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Paser sebagai daerah tujuan wisata andalan. Areal obyek wisata yang merupakan bekas pertambangan batubara ini terletak sekitar 3 km dari ruas jalan Tanah Grogot - Kerang Dayu lintasan Trans Kaltim Kalsel wilayah selatan. Jarak dari Tanah Grogot sekitar 30 km dengan waktu tempuh diperkirakan sekitar 1,5 jam. Di obyek wisata ini telah dilengkapi dengan sarana pendukung seperti kolam pemancingan, sepeda air, tempat beristirahat, pelataran pemancingan, tempat bermain anak-anak, panggung pertunjukan and kawasan parkir.

3. Kecamatan Kuaro

a. Air Terjun Doyam Seriam

Air Terjun Doyam Seriam ini merupakan salah obyek wisata yang paling indah di Kabupaten Paser. Obyek wisata ini terletak di Desa Modang tepatnya kurang lebih 20 Km dari ibukota Kecamatan Kuaro. Lokasi air terjun Doyam Seriam berada disuatu ketinggian dikawasan Gunung Bule yang berbatasan langsung dengan pedalaman Desa Rantau Buta Kecamatan Batu Sopang. Selain Panorama Air Terjun, para pengunjung juga dapat menikmati keindahan bunga anggrek yang dapat dijumpai disepanjang jalan dan disekitar lokasi air terjun. 

C. Upacara Adat Belian

Dilaksanakan minimal 1 tahun sekali. Dan ada juga dilaksanakan bukan Cuma setahun sekali yaitu untuk media pengobatan. Biasanya dilaksanakan di halaman rumah, di daerah pantai atau sungai, di lapangan, dan di panggung. Menggunakan Sesajen yang berupa makanan khas paser yaitu: Pisang Berangan, nasi ketan, ketan hitam, ketan kuning, ketan putih. Dan ada juga kue-kue yang di sediakan yaitu: kue tepung beras seprti: kue cucur, kue cincin, serabi. Kue tepung ketan seperti: pais merah, pais putih, kue sepang,onde-onde, kue sagon.

Upacara ini juga menggunakan Beras Kuning untuk proses penaburan dan krutup padi. Beras kuning (beras putih di parutkan kunyit, lalu di aduk sampai beras tersebut berwarna kuning) Krutup padi (padi yang di goreng tanpa minyak) Dan juga menggunakan Telur ayam kampung, lilin, daun sirih , buah pinang, kapur sirih, gambir, rokok. Sebelum pengantaran sesajen di mulai, terlebih dahulu rakyat paser dihiburkan dengan tarian khas daerah paser, yaitu tari belian untuk memanggil para roh-roh/roh gaib. Penarinya dari kalangan wanita maupun pria. Tari Belian sebagai Pengobatan, Gerakan-gerakan dalam tarian ini diambil dari sebuah cerita pada masa Kerajaan Rekan tatau yang dipimpin oleh pemerintahan Nalau Raja Tondoi (Nalau Raja Diraja).Konon,pada suatu saat ada seorang pembantu kerajaan dari kalangan bawah yang sakti.Suatu hari ia pergi menangkap ikan di sebuah danau (loyu liput putung). Sialnya,kakinya dijepit seekor kepiting raksasa hingga tak sadarkan diri. Sang raja memperoleh petunjuk bahwa untuk membangunkan dan melepaskan kepiting yang sedang tidur itu, sang raja mengumpulkan orang banyak, membuat berbagai macam makanan,membunyikan suara tung,Gendeng, Tengkanong,Gong dan lain-lain sekeras-kerasnya diiringi dengan tari-tarian(suasana gaduh)

Upacara ini betuk pengantarannya ada yang ke pantai ada yang ke daratan.  Jika pengantarannya ke pantai atau sesajen tersebut di larutkan dipantai tersebut. Jika pengantarannya ke daratan sesajennya di antarkan ke dalam hutan dan harus menggunakan ayam untuk di lepas atau dipotong. Dan ada juga ayam panggangnya. Upacara tersebut di laksanakan pada waktu malam hari. Upacara pengantaran ke sungai atau pantai di laksanakan pada waktu siang hari. Upacara tersebut menggunakan doa-doa untuk kemakmuran rakyat.

Sky Dragon Sacred Gear (Specially Divine Dividing)

Divine Dividing

Kana :: 白龍皇の光翼(ディバイン・ディバイディング)

Romaji :: Dibain Dibaidingu

父 (Profile) 父

Other Names :: White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings

Type Sacred Gear ::(Mid-Tier Longinus)

Forms :: Scale Mail

Abilities :: Divides opponent's power every 10 seconds and add halved power to his/her own
Halving the size of objects and living beings

Wielder(s)Vali Lucifer

Divine Dividing, also known as the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings, is a Sacred Gear wielded by Vali Lucifer of the Vali Team. It has the spirit of the Vanishing Dragon, Albion, sealed inside it.

父 (Summary) 父

In the past, Albion fought against his arch-rival, the Welsh Dragon, Ddraig, in a battle which was interrupted by the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels who were at war during the time. In anger, both Dragons attacked the leaders of the Three Factions, which led to their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Albion being moved into the Sacred Gear "Divine Dividing".

父 (Appearance) 父

Divine Dividing takes the form of a pair of white Dragon wings that can be used for flight.

父 (Abbilities) 父

Vali in Balance Breaker activating "Divide".
The Divine Dividing has the ability to divide the power of its opponents by half after coming into contact with them every 10 seconds. The halved powers are then added to his/her own powers. If the added power exceeds the amount that the wielder can safely contain, the excess is then expelled out the wings. Divine Dividing can also halve the size of objects and living beings through the use of "Half Dimension".

The Balance Breaker, Divine Dividing Scale Mail, creates a White Dragon Armor that covers the body and further increases the power and ability of the user. Like the Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing has the Juggernaut Drive which releases the full power of the Vanishing Dragon at the cost of the user's sanity and consumes their life.

※ ... Announcements ... ※

Divide: Halves the opponent's power. This call is announced every 10 seconds.

Half Dimension: Halves the size of objects and living beings around the user.

Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker: Activates the Scale Mail armor, Divine Dividing Scale Mail.

Juggernaut Drive: Activates Juggernaut Drive.

Juggernaut Over Drive: Activates Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive.

Compression Divider: A more powerful version of Half Dimension. It halves a specific target continuously until they vanish from existence.

父 (Forms) 父

→ Scale Mail

The Balance Breaker of Divine Dividing that creates a White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers the user's body and strengthens his/her powers and abilities.

→ Juggernaut Drive

→ Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive

Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive (白銀の極覇龍(エンピレオ・ジャガーノート・オーバードライブ Enpireo Jagānōto Ōbādoraibu), also known as the Silver Dragon Pole of Supremacy, is a new form that Vali attained in Volume 12 that changes the color of his Scale Mail armor to silver. Like Issei's Cardinal Crimson Promotion, it does not consume his life. It has access to the Compression Divider, an enhanced version of Half Dimension.

Like Issei's Cardinal Crimson Promotion, it requires a special chant to activate. The chant goes as follows.

I, who is about to awaken,
Am the White Dragon Emperor who will take the law down to the darkness.
I walk the road of domination with infinite destruction and by piercing through the imaginary dream.
I shall become a pure Emperor of White Dragon
And I shall have you obey the silvery-white illusions and the perfect evil ways!
After which Divine Dividing announces "Juggernaut Over Drive!"

Balance Breaker, Scale Mail 

Kana :
→ 赤龍帝の鎧(ブーステッド・ギア・スケイルメイル) (Issei)

→ 白龍皇の鎧(ディバイン・ディバイディング・スケイルメイル) (Vali)

Romaji :
→ Būsuteddo Gia Sukeiru Meiru (Issei)
→ Dibain Dibaidingu Sukeiru Meiru (Vali)

父 (Profile) 父

Other Names :
→ Armor of the Red Dragon Emperor (Issei)
→ Armor of the White Dragon Emperor (Vali)

Type : Balance Breaker
Forms :
→ Illegal Move Trident (Issei)
→ Cardinal Crimson Promotion (Issei)
→ Super Gigantic Balance Breaker (Issei)
→ Imperial Juggernaut Overdrive (Vali)

Abilities : Juggernaut Drive

Wielder(s) : Issei Hyoudou, Vali Lucifer

The Scale Mail is the Balance Breaker armor of Issei's Boosted Gear and Vali's Divine Dividing.

父 (Summary) 父

Issei first activated his imperfect version of Scale Mail in Volume 2 by making a pact with Ddraig by giving his left hand to the Dragon.

When Vali appeared in Volume 3, he was already in his Balance Breaker form, a perfect version of the Scale Mail.

In Volume 4, when Issei fought against Vali, Issei used a bracelet given to him by Azazel which allowed him to use the imperfect version of Scale Mail for less than 15 minutes.

Issei achieved his perfected version of the Scale Mail in Volume 5 after poking Rias' breast. After gaining the Scale Mail, it soon became the primary battle form for both Issei and Vali.

父 (Abilities) 父

The Scale Mail creates a Dragon Armor which drastically increases the user's power, abilities, speed, and defense. It also temporarily allows the user to use the power of the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing without the 10-second time limit.

In Volume 9, Issei caused a cannon to form on one of his gauntlets, suggesting that the armor may be altered to fit the will of the wearer.

In Volume 11, it is suggested that the Scale Mail can (at least temporarily) protect the wearer, and allow them to survive within the Dimensional Gap.

父 (Weaknesses) 父

When Issei first attained his Balance Breaker, it had the following weaknesses:

Activating Scale Mail takes approximately two minutes, during which a countdown begins on the gauntlet gem.

During this period, he cannot cancel the process, or use other abilities such as "Boost" or "Transfer".
Initially, it could only be used for half an hour once a day, and his Sacred Gear becomes powerless for the rest of the day. Also, in Scale Mail mode, each use of the "Boost" and "Gift" ability reduces the remaining amount of time of his Balance Breaker.

After using Juggernaut Drive, Issei's Scale Mail countdown was reduced to 30 seconds, could be used for up to 2 hours (3 on a good day), and could activate multiple times a day as long as the 2 hour limitation had not been used up. Also, his Balance Breaker gained Dragon wings.

After unlocking Illegal Move Trident, the countdown was further reduced and the amount of time that Issei could use Balance Breaker became even longer.

When Ddraig's consciousness was lost due to overusing his powers to save Issei, Issei was unable to enter Balance

Breaker properly since Ddraig was not conscious to allow him to use it. Once reawakened and his consciousness fully restored by the power of two Dragon Kings, it was revealed that since Issei obtained a new body made by Ophis's power and Great Red's flesh, Balance Breaker no longer required a countdown to activate.

父 (Forms) 父

→ Balance Breaker, Boosted Gear Scale Mail

The Scale Mail of Boosted Gear used by Issei creates a Red Dragon Armor with green jewels that covers the body of the user. In this form, Issei can double his power any time he wishes, but at the cost of a large amount of stamina and magical power.

→ Illegal Move Trident

In Volume 8 of the light novels, Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the Four Great Satans and creator of the Evil Pieces system, remodels Issei's Pawn Evil Pieces so that he can use Promotion anytime and anywhere he wants. During Promotion, Issei can now use Illegal Move Trident (赤龍帝の三叉成駒(イリーガル・ムーブ・トリアイナ) Irīgaru Mūbu Toriaina) to change his Scale Mail armor into other forms.

→ Cardinal Crimson Promotion

Cardinal Crimson Promotion (真紅の赫龍帝(カーディナル・クリムゾン・プロモーション)Kādinaru Kurimuzon Puromōshon), also known as the True Crimson Dragon Emperor, is Scale Mail's Queen form that debuted in Volume 10 of the light novels during Rias' Rating Game battle against Sairaorg. It changes the color of Issei's armor to crimson. Cardinal Crimson Promotion incorporates all three Evil Pieces traits, making it the most balanced and most powerful form of Issei's Scale Mail. However, for full use, it requires all Illegal Move Trident forms to be fully developed and mastered before it can be completely stabilized, and its full power brought out.

It is stated to be Issei's answer to an alternative for Juggernaut Drive, and even more powerful than it.

To enter into Cardinal Crimson Promotion, Issei recites the incantation, after which the Boosted Gear announces "Cardinal Crimson Full Drive!"

→ Super Gigantic Balance Breaker

Super Gigantic Balance Breaker (超巨大禁手) is a form Issei attained in Volume 12 by receiving Great Red's help, in which Issei reproduces the size of Great Red which he uses to destroy Jabberwocky, a monstrous beast created by Annihilation Maker. In this form, he gains highly destructive powers such as the forbidden and sealed power Longinus Smasher, which can cause an area in the Underworld to disappear without a trace.

→ Balance Breaker, Divine Dividing Scale Mail

The Scale Mail of Divine Dividing used by Vali creates a White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers the body of the user.

→ Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive

Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive (白銀の極覇龍(エンピレオ・ジャガーノート・オーバードライブ Enpireo Jagānōto Ōbādoraibu) is a new form attained by Vali in Volume 12. It changes the color of his armor to silver. It was first used against Pluto. Like Issei's Cardinal Crimson Promotion, it does not consume his lifespan, but consume stamina and magical power at a very fast rate, to the extent where just using it in a short fight against Pluto cause Vali to breath heavily.

To enter into Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, Vali recites the incantation, after which the Divine Dividing announces "Juggernaut Over Drive!"

Kana :: 覇龍(ジャガーノート・ドライヴ)
Romaji :: Jagānōto Doraivu

父 (Profile) 父

Other Names :: Dragon of Supremacy
Type :: Technique

Abilities :: Unleashes the full power of the Sacred Gear, but at the cost of the user's life

Wielder(s) :: Issei Hyoudou, Vali Lucifer

Juggernaut Drive, also known as the Dragon of Supremacy, is a special ability of Sacred Gears with beings sealed inside them.

父 (Summary) 父

A special ability of Sacred Gears with beings sealed inside them. It is exclusive to the Longinus - Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing, and are considered to be forbidden moves. The Juggernaut Drive temporarily removes the seal placed on the Heavenly Dragons, but the users will lose their sanity while their lives are devoured by the power.

For other Sacred Gears that have creatures sealed inside (such as the Regulus Nemea), their Juggernaut Drive goes under a different name called "Breakdown the Beast" (覇獣(ブレイクダウン・ザ・ビースト) Bureikudaun za Bīsuto), also known as the Beast of Supremacy, but functions the same way.

父 (Chants) 父

A special chant must be used to activate Juggernaut Drive.

The chant for the Boosted Gear's Juggernaut Drive goes as follows:

I, who is about to awaken,
Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God
I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"
I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination
And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!

The chant for Divine Dividing's Juggernaut Drive goes as follows:

I, who is about to awaken,
Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God
I envy the "infinite" and I pursue the "dream"
I shall become the White Dragon of Domination
And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise

父 (Abilities) 父

The Juggernaut Drive unleashes the true powers of the Sacred Gear with powerful creatures in it but at the cost of its possessor's life and sanity. The curse of the Juggernaut Drive can be permanently removed if the hatred of its past possessors are dispersed.

In Volume 6 when using Boosted Gear's Juggernaut Drive, Issei was able to grow Dragon arms and blades from the various jewels on the Scale Mail, fire energy blasts from the mouth of the armor, and somehow froze Shalba Beelzebub with an ability similar to Forbidden Balor View. The final (and most powerful) attack of Boosted Gear's Juggernaut Drive is the Longinus Smasher, an energy beam of immense power fired from a launcher hidden in the chest. The fact that this is stated to have been an incomplete Juggernaut Drive suggests that a true one may very well be even more powerful and destructive.

父 (Forms) 父

Juggernaut Drive appears very similar to the Scale Mail. However, it possesses claw-like growths on the hands and feet, as well as horns and a fanged mouth on the helmet, the mouth being capable of delivering deadly bites to opponents.

父 (Trivia) 父

Juggernaut Drive was originally stated to be a special ability which was exclusive for Sacred Gears with powerful creatures inside. Though in Volume 11, it was changed to a special ability exclusive for Sacred Gears with Dragons residing in them (Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing). For other Sacred Gears with other creatures residing in them, a new name, called Breakdown the Beast, was given.

The "infinity" and the "dream" used in the chants are references to the Dragon God Ophis and the True Dragon, Great Red. Ophis represents the "infinite", as she was born from the "nothingness" of infinity, while Great Red represents the "dream", as he was born from the "illusions" of dreams.

Longinus Smasher appears to be a homage to the Mega Smasher from the Guyver series.

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Aihara Shirotoura

 父 Name 父

※ Name :: Aihara Shirotoura
※ Kana :: 相原 白虎
※ Rōmaji :: Shirotora Aihara
※ English :: Alexander Nikholaevich Hell
※ Russian :: Sasha The Martyr
※ Nickname :: Sasha, Aihara, Alexander

父 Profile 父

※ Gender :: Male
※ Age :: 13
※ Height :: 168 Cm
※ Weight :: 50 Kg
※ Birthdate :: September 07th
※ Birthplace :: Russia
※ Race :: Human
※ Hair Color :: White
※ Eyes Color :: Blue Green, Red (When Transform)
※ Status :: Alive
※ Faction :: Neutral
※ Corr :: 222.200.000 Corr
※ Bounty :: 960.000.000 Bounty
※ Rank :: Lunatic King

※ Relative(s) ::
→ Imazumi Akatora (Father)
→ Michiru Shirohana (Mother)
→ Aihana Akahana (Little Sister)
→ God Enel (Brother)
→ Tsukasa Kadoya (Teach-Master)

父 Personality 父

Often appearing as a rude and stubborn person, he does have a heart but tends to hide it from everyone. He doesn't seem to have much interest in anyone (besides females), and when paying attention to them; his only interest is to save them or to restore his life by drinking their soma.

父 Appereance 父

Aihara usually wears and black sleevles shirt with a black hood and a zipper down the middle and a red cross in the front. He wears black pants with a black belt and black boots. Aihara wears black gloves with red rims. He also has his left ear pierced.

He is actually known to be quiet handsome, and has feminine looks, as shown when he dresses as a maid. Also, during the time he loses his memories, many people assumed he was a girl, and they think he would look good as a girl. A girl in his class also has a crush on him, and think he's quite like prince charming, but was afraid of him as first, due to his arrogant act, but attempt to stalk him one day and realize that he was actually very nice, in other words, he's a tsundere character.

父 Abbilities 父

※ Fullburing Lv 1 ::
→ Kugutsu no Jutsu (傀儡の術 , Puppet Master)

※ Fullburing Lv 2 ::
→ Ginhigi (銀秘技 , Silver Secret Technique)

※ Fullburing Lv 3 ::
→ Tamashi no Kugutsu (魂の傀儡 , Puppet Soul)

※ Fullburing Lv Ultimate ::
→ Kugutsu Tensei no Jutsu (傀儡天生の術 , Puppet Reincarnation)

※ Body ::
→ Arrancar Body
→ Shinigami Body

※ Fighting Style ::
→ Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu
→ Kidou Style
→ Shigure Souen Ryu

※ Weapon ::
→ Yukianesa

※ Reitasu ::
→ Realize Lv. 1
→ Realize Lv. 2
→ Realize Lv. 3
→ Might
→ Definite
→ King

父 Background 父

Tomo literally stumbles over the Russian born Alexander during her home commute with Mafuyu after a particularly difficult school day. After Mafuyu and Tomo nurse him back to health, Alexander wastes no time demonstrating his prowess as a Qwaser with the element of iron as he stalemates and eventually vanquishes the Magnesium Qwaser with such capabilities as forming an enormous black scythe that is at least twice his size along with vibrating the atoms in the iron to generate the immense heat necessary to forge alloys of iron without the need for an external blast furnace. Besides the hostile heretic Qwasers whose neutralization Athos charges him, Alexander is very austere with anyone that decides on her own to refer to him as »Sasha« and has a difficult time adhering to the social mechanics of Japanese society much to Mafuyu's frustration in the early going. Sasha's primary vendetta with the Adepts is the murder of Olja (オーリャ,

Ōrya?, Оля) at the hands of the Aurum (Gold) Qwaser who exiled him with a large scar on the left side of his face shaped like an inverted Eastern Cross that tends to bleed in response to Sasha's excitement during battle - the acme of which characterized by Sasha's left eye becoming red and the scar glowing prior to bleeding heavily during power-down.

Driven by his bitter prologue with the Adepts and the parallels that he sees between Tomo and Olja, Sasha's ferocity reaches its zenith when the Adepts target Tomo for her high-quality soma; during his time with Mafuyu, Sasha comes to realize the infinite value of human life as he demonstrates a copious contempt for the Adepts endangering innocent people. Aside from the comedy of refracting Miyuri Tsudjiô's persecution to her detriment and the situational remarks in Russian (though such quotations are often authors' errors), Sasha is shocked to find that Mafuyu gives as good as she gets when he obdurately ignores the social conventions of human civilization and forces him to partake her consummate cooking - particularly when it is his favorite dish borscht.

Over the course of the series, Sasha's arsenal expands from his trademark scythe and kunai to a katana-like sword he wields in tandem; even though he rejects the prospect in the early going, Sasha and Mafuyu begin to become attracted to each other even as they deny it when confronted about the prospect. He was involved in the most serious confrontations that happened in the series, the last one being the one against Shin'Ichiro Ootori, where he managed to reach the 4th (on a scale of eight) grade of elemental control. Nevertheless, he was recently forced to separate from Mafuyu, much to his dismay, and undertake training sessions to prepare for future confrontations.

父 Quotes 父

→ If you're doing your best, you won't have any time to
worry about failure.

父 Trivia 父

→ In Russia, Sasha is a very common nickname for anyone with the name Alexander.

→ Sasha's favorite food is borsch, a traditional Ukrainian dish.

Pengajar Muda Kabupaten Paser

Kabupaten Paser atau sebelumnya dikenal dengan sebutan Pasir merupakan kabupaten paling selatan di Kalimantan Timur. Wilayah penempatan Pengajar Muda terletak di tiga kecamatan yakni Tanah Grogot, Paser Belengkong dan Tanjung Harapan. Tiga kecamatan terbagi dalam dua topografi berbeda; darat dan pesisir. Wilayah pesisir (Kecamatan Tanah Grogot dan Tanjung Harapan) terletak di pinggir pantai dengan mata pencaharian utama penduduk adalah nelayan. Rumah-rumah di pesisir dibangun di atas pancang kayu yang tinggi guna mengantisipasi jika air pasang.
Di wilayah darat (Kecamatan Paser Belengkong), beberapa wilayah Pengajar Muda dilewati oleh Sungai Kandilo, sungai terpanjang kedua di Paser setelah Sungai Pasir, dan menggunakan perahu dalam kegiatan sehari-hari sedangkan beberapa wilayah lainnya bisa dilalui kendaraan roda dengan keadaan jalan yang terbatas. Sinyal dan listrik sangat terbatas, baik di darat dan pesisir dan biasanya listrik baru tersedia dari pukul 18.00 – 22.00 tergantung dari ketersediaan bahan bakar.
Kabupaten Paser dihuni oleh berbagai suku seperti Paser, Bugis, Jawa, Bajo, Banjar dan Madura. Suku asli adalah Suku Paser sedangkan Suku Bugis dan Bajo merupakan suku pendatang yang biasanya bekerja sebagai nelayan. Suku Jawa merupakan transmigran yang banyak bekerja di bagian perkebunan dan pertanian.
Hubungan antar suku cukup baik walaupun dalam skala kecil masih terdapat konflik-konflik yang biasanya tidak terlalu serius. Mayoritas penduduk Paser beragama Islam dan secara simbolik ditampilkan dalam busana dan acara-acara formal. Karakter masyarakat di bagian pesisir biasanya keras dan agak menutup diri terutama kepada pendatang.
Pengajar Muda Kabupaten Paser
Periode November 2012 - Desember 2013
  1. Ilham Fathur Rahman (SDN 002 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  2. Bening Rara Pratita (SDN 020 Long Kali, Long Kali)
  3. Khaerul Umur (SDN 005 Longkali, Long Kali)
  4. Halida Mutiah (SDN 018 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  5. Kartika Khairani (SDN 015 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  6. Suwito (SDN 005 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  7. Retia Revany (SDN 001 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  8. Sinta Mahardita (SDN 019 Longkali, Long Kali)
  9. Eko Siprapua S (SDN 032 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  10. Ajeng Tri Handini (SDN 006 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)

Periode November 2011 - November 2012
  1. Andrio (SDN 002 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  2. Deden Achmad Chaeruddin (SDN 020 Long Kali, Long Kali)
  3. Dika Purnamasari (SDN 005 Longkali, Long Kali)
  4. Edhy Priatna Anugrah Surbakty (SDN 018 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  5. Fransisca Andana Asokawati (SDN 015 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  6. Hafiz Iqbal Maulana (SDN 005 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  7. Hendi Gunawan (SDN 001 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  8. Oktavina Qurrota Ayun (SDN 019 Longkali, Long Kali)
  9. Rahmah Zakirah (SDN 032 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  10. Rini Mayasari (SDN 006 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)

Periode November 2010 - November 2011 
  1. Dwi Gelegar Gilang Ramadhan (SDN 001 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  2. Dyah Setiawaty (SDN 018 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  3. Ijma Sujiwo (SDN 006 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)
  4. Mansyur Ridho (SDN 005 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  5. Mutia Hapsari (SDN 015 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)
  6. Nisa Imaniar Permatasari (SDN 007 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)
  7. Nova Dwi Wardani (SDN 014 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)
  8. Patrya Pratama (SDN 002 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  9. Ridwan Wijaya (SDN 001 Tanjung Harapan, Tanjung Harapan)
  10. Yunita Fransisca (SDN 016 Paser Belengkong, Paser Belengkong)
  11. Zaki Laili Khusna (SDN 032 Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot)